BitScopes are available with a wide range of software for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and embedded x86 and ARM. All models include BitScope DSO for analog and mixed signal work and BitScope Logic for digital.

The easiest way to set up a Raspberry Pi on a Mac is to copy the NOOBS files from the Raspberry Pi organisation to a blank SD card. If this is the first time you've set up a Raspberry Pi, then we. New To Pico ↳ Introductions ↳ Pre-Sales Advice ↳ Getting Started; Projects and Applications ↳ Projects ↳ Applications; Current Hardware and Software ↳ USB PC Oscilloscopes ↳ PicoScope 6 for Windows ↳ PicoScope 6 for Linux ↳ PicoScope 6 for Mac ↳ USB PC Data Loggers ↳ PicoLog ↳ USB DrDAQ ↳ Raspberry Pi ↳ Linux.

There is a growing range of other software applications available for specific purposes including BitScope Meter for fast and automated waveform measurement and BitScope Chart for multi-channel data acquisition and chart recording.

BitScopes are fully user programmable so they can be used in highly customized applications or even integrated into third party products and software systems on OEM.

They may be programmed directly at the virtual machine level using publish user guides or via the BitScope Library which makes available all BitScope's mixed signal data acquisition and generation functions via an easy to use function call API.

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Visit the Software, Products and Design pages to learn more about BitScope. Be sure to check BitScope News for the latest releases. You can buy BitScope and grab free downloads online. Feel free to contact us any time with questions or for quotes and dealer locations. We also recommend you browse our extensive online support pages for the latest information about using BitScope, updates and solving problems.

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