Strike Car Mac OS

10 macOS tune-up tips to keep your Mac running like a sports car 31 Mac keyboard shortcuts business users need to know (free PDF) The biggest, most important assets in our lives require regular. Classic Mac OS programming. The original Mac OS used Pascal as its primary development platform, and the APIs were heavily based on Pascal's call semantics.Much of the Macintosh Toolbox consisted of procedure calls, passing information back and forth between the API and program using a variety of data structures based on Pascal's variant record concept. The following is a wiki page to centralize discussion of how to improve Haskell on Mac OS X. The name 'strike force' comes from dons' post on reddit and the comments therein. If you are happy with my work and want to se further coming, please donate me on Paypal below:

  1. Strike Car Mac Os 11
  2. Carmax Locations

The following is a wiki page to centralize discussion of how to improve Haskell on Mac OS X. The name 'strike force' comes from dons' post on reddit and the comments therein.

  • 1Goals
    • 1.2Make GUI-bindings easy to install
  • 2Information
    • 2.2Installing Haskell


Take care of the Haskell Platform installer

Strike Car Mac Os 11

The Haskell Platform installer is now maintained by Mark Lentczner. The build is now a Makefile that is part of the Haskell Platform source tree.

  • what are the most pressing things on the todo list?
    • script a reliable uninstaller for prior versions
    • work out how to suport: { 10.5 10.6 10.7 } × { 32bit 64bit } × { Xcode 3.2 Xcode 4.1 } with as few versions as possible.

This is done in version 2011.4.0.0 of the Haskell Platform

Make GUI-bindings easy to install

Neither wxHaskell nor Gtk2hs with native Gtk seems to be easy to install.What's the state of HQK and qtHaskell?

  • We should provide at least one easy way to install one set of GUI bindings


wxHaskell got a lot easier to install in April 2012, with the 0.90release. See WxHaskell/Mac for details. Should be just a matterof a little homebrew and cabal install wx.

Note that using MacPorts is problematic because of iconv-relatedissues that various people have reported on the mailing list.I doubt qtHaskell is immune from this.

IMHO, it could be worthwhile to point people to a standard wxWidgetspkg.


qtHaskell with i386 ghc can be compiled with the following steps:

  • Install Qt via MacPorts with the universal option set.
  • Install Perl 5.12 via MacPorts.
  • qmake will default to building x86_64 binaries, which does not work with 32-bit ghc. Modify /opt/local/libexec/qt4-mac/mkspecs/macx-g++/qmake.conf, adding the following lines:
  • You could also create your own spec (macx-g++-i386?), and modify in the qtHaskell top-level directory to use this spec.
  • Build qtHaskell by executing the build script in the top-level directory.

Make GHC 64 bit

Mac OS X GHC Trac tickets:

  • [2965] is the main ticket, with lots of CC: people
  • [4163] gives some cross-compiling hope

Reduce the number of GHC tickets

  • All Mac OS X GHC Trac tickets



Installing Haskell

How Haskell is on OS X today

The simplest methods are currently:

  • Binary GHC framework (/Library/Framework)
  • Binary Haskell platform framework (/Library/Framework)
  • MacPorts (/opt/local)
  • Fink (/sw)
  • Homebrew (symlinked into /usr/local ?)
Strike car mac os 11Strike car mac os catalina

Manually compiled

ChrisKuklewicz 11:53, 6 September 2010 (UTC) I use MacPorts for the infrastructure and compile ghc against /opt/local but with --prefix=/opt/ghc-6.12.3 to keep it separate.

Dynamic Linking

working in GHC HEAD, not in any released version.

Carmax Locations

Difficult libraries on OS X

Libraries needed for ghc

  • iconv (older version in /usr is incompatible with new version from MacPorts)
  • readline (faked in /usr, provided by framework or MacPorts)
  • gmp (framework or MacPorts)

Libraries needed for other packages? gtk?

OS X code integration

Write Haskell in XCode?

Write ObjectiveC against GHC.Framework?

FFI for Objective C from Haskell?


A cabal2pkg that maintains proper dependency tracking?

Discussion forum for all this?

You can discuss it on Haskellers at [1]

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