BulletSpace Mac OS

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  2. Bulletspace Mac Os Download
  3. Bulletspace Mac Os X
  4. Bulletspace Mac Os Downloads

The Ink Pen That Truly Writes Out Of This World

Believe it or not, it is alleged that NASA spent more than a million dollars to develop a device that would write in space. The device is similar to a standard ballpoint ink pen. Simultaneously, Russians were allegedly using a pencil which cost about a nickel to do the same exact thing. Fact or fiction?

#Python 2.7 on Mac: import turtle: import os: #Set up the screen: wn = turtle. Bgcolor ('black') wn. Title ('Space Invaders') #Draw border: borderpen = turtle. Turtle borderpen. Speed (0) borderpen. Color ('white') borderpen. Penup borderpen. Setposition (-300,-300) borderpen. Pendown borderpen. Pensize (3) for side in range. !- end #mainContent -.

One writer that used to work for the government said that the story was real, while others say that the million dollar ink pen is in fact an urban legend.

The Space pen, or the Anti-gravity pen will perform without gravity. Paul C. Fisher held the patent on what was said to be one of the most lucrative pens ever designed in history. This magical pen can write on almost any substance ranging from butter to steel, and can survive temperatures ranging from from -30F to 250F.


There are two designs: the AG7 “Astronaut Pen” which is retractable, and the other one that is not retractable is called the “Bullet Pen”.

If you’re interested in purchasing one of the most versatile pens ever, they are available for public use. The price ranges anywhere from around $12.00 to over $100.00. Astronauts do use these pens but you don’t have to be an astronaut to buy one. And you don’t have to be orbiting in space to use the pen, but you could.

If you’re looking for the perfect ink pen for yourself or to give as a gift to others, you can’t go wrong on this one. This pen is elegant, not messy, and writes anytime, anywhere. It writes upside down. It even writes underwater. The Fisher Pen is very small and it looks really nice.

If you are a professional or just want to look professional, this is the best pen you’ll ever own. Here’s where to buy the Fisher Space Pen:

Continued from the previous page

Designers and Fonts

... DTG readers send in their views on fonts

These are some of the reactions from DTG readers in the Fonts Festival survey questions.

type is favorite aspect of graphic design

CG, a design professional in Taos, New Mexico USA amazingly enough went right down our list of questions and answered each and every one of them! WOW -- that's beyond the call of duty:

I learned to set type (self taught) on a 'state-of-the-art' Compugraphic typesetter back in the late 70s! At that time, WYSIWYG was not even comprehensible. I read U&lc magazine to learn how to use type as a design tool. To this day, using type is my favorite aspect of graphic design.

  1. Favorite SHAREWARE FONTS web site
    www.dafont.com and
  2. Typography lessons you DID NOT learn in school The things I learned that no one seems to know are basic!
    * Don't double space after a period. Use smart quotes and not inch or foot marks.
    * Don't use Zapf Chancery in all caps!
    * Know your grammar and punctuation.
    * SPELL CHECK! Use the actual 'italic', ' bold' and 'bold italic' fonts of a typeface.
    * Do not turn it in to an Italic, Bold or Bold Italic from the menu bar.
    * Don't distort typefaces, they were designed the way they are by the artist and are not meant to be 'bastardized' (Fred, you may use another word but that was all I could think of!).
  3. Difficult type projects Difficult type projects are those set in a foreign language! Like Cyrillic!
  4. Where to find the BEST FREE FONTS: See #1 above
  5. Designing with type... who, what, where, (Why?) Design with type when you have a difficult visual or idea for a logo. Play with upper and lower case, separate characters or words with color and make the audience take notice of your unconventional presentation of the logo by creatively positioning the words or characters.
  6. Type or Fonts that SUCK (Why?) Obviously Zaph Chancery and Vivaldi when used in all caps. Theme fonts such as Paperclip, (Creepy Regular) Halloween and Christmas fonts, and Woodgrain/Western fonts used as body copy.

Thanks so much! I love your on-line magazine and have subscribed for many years!

WOW! Cindy wins the big prize this month for sure!

I love fonts

LM is a design professional, hailing from Orlando, FL, USA. We enjoyed reading her letter because we love fonts too ... She writes:

I love fonts - no question about it! If I had pockets full of cash, I would have a very extensive font collection, but I do my best with the freebie sites, and hope that they don't bomb when I use them on paying projects, as I have read in a few design forums and books over the years.

My favorite (paying) site for fonts would be VEER (www.veer.com), because they have such very stylish script fonts (such as Mr. Bedfort; Primrose; Whisk Broom; and Marmalade, for example), but also a diverse and slightly unique bunch of everyday text and display type.

I am trying to build up my Open Type collection for my PC, due to it's diversity with different glyphs they sometimes offer). For free fonts, I like Dafont.com, which I also learned about over the years from various graphic designers in forums (such as DTG News / Cafe blog), as well as in trade publications, such as Dynamic Graphics. I would love to have as many reliable (free & paid) font resources, since you need to know that your font will not bomb when you go to press, and you want to make sure you have a safe web site to download them from. And, always make sure you have some type of reliable FONT MANAGEMENT system installed - no matter how many fonts you have in your collection. Makes things more sane when clients don't. (LOL)

Well, that about says it all!

Hang those quotes and bullets!

Kevin, a design professional in Minneapolis, MN, provides this valuable tip:

Hang those quotes and bullets! In both Quark and InDesign, type your beginning quote mark or bullet/space, then type (on a Mac) CMD backslash, to insert an invisible character that will indent each succeeding line to that character.[END QUOTE]
Kevin uses Mac Software: Creative Suite 3 [END QUOTE]

Discovering faces

Bulletspace Mac Os Catalina

S.M. is a design professional in Staunton, VA, who writes:

I love several of the fonts at Shinn Type. One that I like is Goodchild that you use with Nicholas, for more flourish there is Fontesque, and another nice one is Oneleigh. Another font I like is Inyo by Garagefonts. I use Mac OS X and my fav software is Adobe CS3

These are the best! We really want to thank our participants, and as soon as they check in with their addresses, we'll be sending them our monthly prize packages which could include Total Training DVDs, Deke McClelland One-On-One training books, or any number of other gifts -- just for participating. Sign in and share your thoughts about the current topics and win prizes!

Until next time... Keep on fonting

Fred Showker, Editor/Publisher

Now, back to Creative Networking, or The Design Center Lobby

Bulletspace Mac Os Download

Participate in your Design Center

Lots of fun and information for all... don't forget, any community is only as good as the participation of its members. We invite your tips, tricks, comments, suggestions and camaraderie.

Bulletspace Mac Os X

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  • SUBSCRIBE : to the Designers' CAFE email list
  • Link to this site, and then show us the link.We'll send you any of our current door prizes, just for your trouble.
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  • READ Our Writer's Guidelines: before sending articles
  • SUBMIT: a news link, new font, or product review
  • SUBMIT: a link to a Photoshop web site

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